Blockchain technology, business data analytics, and artificial intelligence: use in the accounting profession and ideas for inclusion into the accounting curriculum
May 01, 2020
Published in: Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting
Publisher: American Accounting Association
ABSTRACT Recently, accounting academics have reported increased attention in the accounting profession toward the employment of various technologies. These studies only highlight the exploitation of these technologies in the profession and areas for future research, while missing the need for modernizing the accounting curriculum to meet the industry's technological needs. This paper follows an integrated model for curriculum redesign to reflect blockchain technology, business data analytics, and artificial intelligence employment in the accounting profession. By building on the main four educational curricula designs components, we propose ways to incorporate these technologies into the accounting curriculum. Current industry implementation of new technologies should be considered by academia when designing accounting curriculum to prepare graduates for the market and to ensure their employability. This paper calls for radical changes in the accounting curriculum to reach a balance between existing accounting knowledge and information technology skills relevant to the profession.
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