Community Engagement


At the College of Business, we believe that “no man is an island.” Each and every individual carries a responsibility towards the society. Congruent with this, the College of Business grabs every opportunity to reach out to the local community and to actively engage in community service through workshops, seminars, services, and consultation. The college emphasizes the impact of community engagement activities on faculty member’s research, students and business community.

Examples of the community engagement activities include:

  • Delivering a training session entitled “Fundamental Analysis” for the Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority;
  • Conducting a training on “Risk Management” for the Abu Dhabi Corporate Governance Center;
  • Working with external consultants to hold awareness seminars for the local community on the “UAE Stock Market”;
  • Providing continuous consultancy services for small-scale companies as well as government entities especially in the fields of Accounting and Financial Management.
