International Webinar on Publishing in Journals
The College of Business (COB) at Al Ain University (AAU) organized an international research webinar (Virtual) titled, “How to Publish in High impact Journals: An Editor Perspective”, was presented by Prof. Peter Stokes, from De Montfort University, UK, under the supervision of Dr. Mosab Tabash, and in the presence of Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, academic staff, administrative staff, MBA students and other researchers.
The main objective of this day is to help researchers in business schools to understand editor’s perspectives and thereby enhance their chances to publish their papers in highly reputed academic journals.
Dr. Zafar Hussain, Dean, College of Business welcomed the audience and insisted on the importance of scientific research in academia.
Prof. Peter presented and addressed some interesting points regarding academic writing, reviewing, and publishing. Additionally, an interactive session was taken place between the editor and faculty members.
In the end, Prof. Ghaleb El Refae- AAU President, thanked, Prof. Stokes and gave some helpful insights in the context of research and publications.
This seminar is an initiative of the COB, to enhance the research quality of the UAE Business academic community in general and the COB in particular.