5 Important tips for landscape photography

Landscape photography is such type of photography in which you capture the pictures related to nature. This is one of my favorite type of photography. For landscape photography, many photographers believe that this is the easiest type of photography but there are many things which you should keep in mind while going for it. If you planned well about it then it would be easy for you otherwise it will take more time and you might don’t get the proper results. So, in this article, I will talk about few things which you should know before going for the landscape photography.

1. Checking equipment

As we all know that before going for photography, we all need to check our equipment. In landscape photography, I love to capture the wide angled shots that’s why I always bring the wide angle lenses but that doesn’t mean that landscape photography is restricted to wide angle lenses. You can also do the landscape photography with the zoom lens as well. Also, there is a misconception that it only belongs to daylight. You can do in the night as well when the very low light is available. But for that, you need to bring a good camera body which can provide you good results at slow shutter speed. Also, don’t forget to bring the tripod. If you are planning to take a long exposure picture.

2. Lighting    

After selecting the right equipment the next important thing is lighting. It means that to choose the right time for a day/night to get the accurate results. Mostly, I love to do the landscape photography during the golden hour. When sunlight is not so much harsh. So, I don’t get any strong shadows but if you planned to get the shadows in order to give the dramatic effect to a picture then you can do it at midday. So, it is better to select the right time at which you think you would get the better results.

3. Set up the Camera       

Now, when you reach your location in order to do landscape photography then as we all know that you need to set up the camera. It does not only means to adjust the camera’s position but also the camera settings. I prefer to take the multiple pictures of the same subject from different angles and settings because you never know that by changing settings or angle you might get much better results.

4. Composition of the picture          

During setting up the camera, the one thing is very important which is the composition of the picture. As I discussed in the previous article (Basic photographic composition techniques) that composition plays a vital role in photography. So, it is very important to select a proper and right composition for the specific subject.

5. Show your subject with a different perspective

The last thing which can change your landscape photography into the more appealing picture is to be creative. Try to show your subject with a different perspective. As I always say you never know when and how you might get the better results. And everyone has their own and unique style which differentiate their work from others. So, in order to figure out your unique style of photography, you just need to think and do photography creatively.
